科普知识:2020年改善心理健康的5种科学方法,现在的人越来越注重养生,关注养生,健康身体,提高生活质量,对个人,对家庭,对社会都是有积极意义的 。我们应该鼓励大家的这种养生意识,让每个人都能享福寿幸福的生活。
The studies are positive: Looking on the bright side of life really is good for you. Optimists have a 35% less chance of having a heart attack or stroke, are more likely to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, have stronger immune systems; and even live longer. In fact, a 2019 study found people with the most positive outlook had the greatest odds of living to 85 or beyond.
研究给出了正面的证明:关注生活的光明一面确实对人有好处。乐观主义者心脏病发作或者中风的概率要比其他人低35%,同时他们更有可能摄入健康膳食,定期锻炼,拥有更强大的免疫功能甚至拥有更长的寿命。事实上, 2019年的一项研究发现,心态最乐观的人寿命也是最长的,他们能够活到85岁甚至以上。
Now, let's get real: Being an optimist doesn't mean you ignore the stress of daily life. Who can do that? It simply means that when crummy things happen, you don't blame yourself unnecessarily. If you face a challenge or obstacle, you're more likely to see it as temporary or even positive, allowing you to learn and grow.
Optimists also believe they have control over their fate and can create opportunities for good things to happen.